Lombard Lions Club

District 1J    Lombard, Illinois USA



From the desk of the President


Though you may think I'm jumping the gun with the above greeting, ( by 6 months to be exact?), July 1st did begin our New Lombard Lions Club callendar year 2004-2005.

Our First program, Our Marathon Fundraiser on September 9, September 10, and September 11, is JUST AROUND THE CORNER, and is expected to surpass last years projection of $30,000.00.
Corporate underwriting has been in full swing thru the month of July to October 31st.

Our 2nd Program, Recycling Extravaganza, is already in place for the Yorktown Mall.

Our Third Program, Sight and Hearing Screening Program on September 29th is in it's final phase of planning.

The Chairman of each of the great programs will have information available on our site real soon. Click on New Events!

Who said there is no free lunch?

If you've never been back to a Lions Club Lunch other than your
installation then this INVITATION is extended with YOU in mind. E-mail me before the lunch that you will be there on Tuesday September 6th and the Lunch is FREE! (on me). A short program is planned and we expect to adjorn in a timely fashion at 1:15.

On behalf of the Lombard Lions Board, WELCOME, to our Lombard Lions New Year!!

Lion Prez Ernie Turcotte
"Candyman can"



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